How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent A Hotel Room?

Renting a hotel room is an exciting milestone for many young adults. The freedom and responsibility that come with booking your own accommodations can feel like a rite of passage. If you’re wondering how old you need to be to rent a hotel room on your own, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: In the United States, most hotels require guests to be at least 18 or 21 years old to rent a room. However, some hotels may make exceptions for younger guests accompanied by an adult.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about hotel age requirements. You’ll learn the standard rental age policies of major hotel brands, how these rules vary by location, exceptions for younger guests, and tips for booking rooms as a minor.

Typical Hotel Age Requirements in the U.S.

When it comes to renting a hotel room, age requirements can vary depending on the hotel’s policy and the country you are in. In the United States, hotels typically have age restrictions in place to ensure the safety and comfort of their guests.

Let’s explore some common age requirements and policies in the U.S.:

Age 18 vs. 21

One of the main age requirements for renting a hotel room is whether you need to be 18 or 21 years old. While some hotels may allow guests as young as 18 to rent a room, others have a minimum age requirement of 21.

This discrepancy can be attributed to various factors, including legal drinking age, liability concerns, and hotel policies.

For example, many hotels with on-site bars or casinos may require guests to be at least 21 years old to rent a room. This ensures that guests can legally partake in any activities or amenities offered by the hotel.

ID and Payment Methods

Regardless of the age requirement, hotels typically require guests to provide a valid form of identification upon check-in. This may include a driver’s license, passport, or state-issued ID card. The purpose of this requirement is to confirm the guest’s identity and maintain a secure environment for all hotel occupants.

Additionally, hotels often require guests to provide a credit card for payment and incidentals. Some hotels may accept cash or debit cards, but a credit card is typically preferred as it provides a guarantee for any potential damages or unpaid charges.

Unaccompanied Minors

Another aspect to consider is the policy for unaccompanied minors. In many hotels, guests under a certain age (usually 18) may be required to have an adult accompany them during their stay. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of underage guests.

However, some hotels may have specific arrangements or exceptions for unaccompanied minors, such as requiring written parental consent or a guardian’s contact information. It is always advisable to check with the hotel directly if you are planning to travel as an unaccompanied minor.

It’s important to note that these age requirements and policies may vary from hotel to hotel. Therefore, it is recommended to always check with the specific hotel you plan to stay at to ensure you meet their age requirements and have a smooth check-in process.

Location-Specific Age Policies

When it comes to renting a hotel room, the minimum age requirement can vary depending on the location. Different states and countries have their own laws and regulations regarding the minimum age for renting a hotel room. It’s important to be aware of these age policies before planning your trip.

State and Local Laws

In the United States, the minimum age to rent a hotel room can vary from state to state. While some states have a minimum age requirement of 18, others may require you to be 21 or older. For example, in New York, you must be 18 years old to rent a hotel room, whereas in Nevada, the legal age is 21.

It’s always a good idea to check the specific age requirements of the state you plan to visit.

Furthermore, keep in mind that some cities or local municipalities within a state may have their own age restrictions. For instance, certain popular tourist destinations, like Las Vegas, may have stricter age policies due to the nature of their entertainment industry.

Always check with the hotel or consult the local authorities to ensure you meet the age requirements.

International Age Requirements

When traveling internationally, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the age requirements for renting a hotel room in different countries. Just like in the United States, age policies can vary significantly from one country to another.

For example, in most European countries, the minimum age to rent a hotel room is 18. However, there are exceptions. In countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom, the legal age is 16. On the other hand, some countries may require you to be 21 or older, such as Japan and the United Arab Emirates.

It’s important to research and understand the age requirements of the specific country you plan to visit.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that some hotels or hotel chains may have their own policies regarding the minimum age to rent a room. These policies may be more stringent than the legal requirements of the country or state.

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check with the hotel directly to ensure you meet their age requirements.

For more information on specific age policies and legal requirements for renting hotel rooms, visit the official websites of the states or countries you plan to visit. These websites can provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding age restrictions.

Booking Rooms Underage With Adult Supervision

Are you wondering how old you have to be to rent a hotel room? While the minimum age requirement may vary depending on the hotel and location, there are ways to book a room underage with adult supervision. Here are some options to consider:

Adding an Adult to Your Reservation

If you are under the minimum age required by the hotel, you can often still book a room by adding an adult to your reservation. Most hotels allow this as long as the adult is staying in the same room and takes responsibility for the reservation.

This can be a parent, guardian, or even an older sibling or friend who meets the age requirement. By adding an adult to your reservation, you can enjoy your stay without any issues.

Using an Adult’s Payment Method

Another option to book a hotel room when you’re underage is to use an adult’s payment method. Many hotels accept credit cards or cash payments, so if you have an adult who is willing to provide their card or pay in advance, you can use their information when making the reservation.

It’s important to have the adult present during check-in to ensure a smooth process and to avoid any complications.

Having an Adult Check In With You

In some cases, hotels may require an adult to be present at check-in, even if you have already made a reservation. This is to ensure that someone of legal age is responsible for the room. If you’re underage and planning to book a hotel room, it’s a good idea to have an adult accompany you during check-in.

This way, you can avoid any potential issues and enjoy your stay without any worries.

Remember, it’s always best to check with the specific hotel you plan on staying at to understand their age requirements and policies. Some hotels may have stricter rules, while others may be more lenient.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can still enjoy a comfortable and pleasant hotel stay, even if you’re not of legal age to book a room on your own.

Booking Strategies for Unaccompanied Minors

When it comes to booking hotel rooms for unaccompanied minors, there are a few strategies that can help ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. From using third-party websites to securing parental permission, these tips will help both the minors and their parents feel more at ease.

Using Third-Party Websites

One strategy that can be particularly helpful when booking hotel rooms for unaccompanied minors is to use third-party websites. These websites often have specific filters and options that allow users to search for hotels that are more accommodating to minors traveling alone.

Some even have dedicated sections for booking rooms for minors, making the process even easier. Additionally, these websites often provide reviews and ratings from other travelers, giving parents peace of mind knowing that the hotel is safe and suitable for their children.

One popular third-party website that offers these features is Booking.com. They have a special section for “Family-friendly” accommodations, which can be filtered further to include hotels that are suitable for unaccompanied minors.

This can help parents find hotels that have extra security measures in place, such as key card access or 24-hour front desk service, to ensure the safety of their children.

Avoiding Identification Checks

While many hotels require guests to provide identification upon check-in, there are some strategies that can help unaccompanied minors avoid this potential hurdle. One option is to book the hotel room under the name of a trusted adult who will be responsible for the minor during their stay.

This way, the minor can simply provide the name of the adult when checking in, without having to show identification of their own.

Another strategy is to call the hotel in advance and explain the situation. Some hotels may be willing to make exceptions for unaccompanied minors, especially if they have prior consent from the parents.

By speaking directly with the hotel staff and explaining the circumstances, parents can often find solutions that allow their children to check in without any issues.

Securing Parental Permission

One of the most important aspects of booking hotel rooms for unaccompanied minors is to secure parental permission. Hotels often require proof of consent from a parent or legal guardian before allowing a minor to check in.

This can be done through a signed letter or a consent form, which should include details such as the dates of the stay, the name of the hotel, and the name of the responsible adult. It’s important to note that each hotel may have different requirements, so it’s best to check with the specific hotel beforehand to ensure all necessary documentation is in order.

By following these booking strategies, unaccompanied minors and their parents can have peace of mind knowing that the hotel stay will be safe and hassle-free. Remember to always prioritize safety and communication when making arrangements for minors, and don’t forget to check the specific policies and requirements of each hotel before booking.

What to Do If You Can’t Rent a Room

Consider Alternative Accommodations

If you find yourself unable to rent a hotel room due to age restrictions or other reasons, don’t worry! There are plenty of alternative accommodations available that can suit your needs. One popular option is renting a vacation home or apartment through platforms like Airbnb or VRBO.

These platforms offer a wide range of rental options, from cozy apartments in the city to spacious beachfront villas. Not only do these rentals often have more flexible age restrictions, but they can also provide a unique and personalized experience for your trip.

Additionally, hostels and guesthouses are great budget-friendly options for travelers of all ages.

Change Your Hotel Choice or Location

If you have your heart set on staying in a hotel but are facing age restrictions, consider changing your hotel choice or location. Some hotels may have lower age restrictions or even no age restrictions at all.

Research different hotels in the area you plan to visit and look for ones that are more accommodating to younger guests. Additionally, consider staying in a different neighborhood or city where age restrictions may be less strict.

By being flexible with your hotel choice or location, you may be able to find a suitable option that allows you to enjoy your trip without any hassles.

Delay or Cancel Your Plans

If all else fails and you are unable to find alternative accommodations or a hotel that meets your needs, you may need to consider delaying or canceling your plans. While this may not be the ideal solution, it can save you from potential disappointment or inconvenience.

Take this opportunity to explore other destinations or activities that do not require a hotel stay. It’s always important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go as expected.


While most hotels set age minimums of 18 or 21, their rental policies can vary based on brand, location, and local laws. With some strategic planning, exceptions may be possible for younger travelers accompanied by adults or with parental approval.

If you can’t rent a room due to age restrictions, look into alternative accommodations like hostels, vacation rentals, or lodging with friends and family. With flexibility and preparation, you can still experience the independence of booking your own hotel stay even as a teenager.

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