Flight Attendant Height Requirements: Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered if your height might prevent you from becoming a flight attendant? Many aspiring flight attendants have questions about height requirements in this exciting career path. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide all the details on minimum and maximum height standards set by major airlines.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: most airlines require flight attendants to be between 5’2″ and 6’2″ tall. Some regional carriers may have more flexibility with height.

Typical Flight Attendant Height Requirements

When it comes to becoming a flight attendant, one of the factors that airlines take into consideration is height. While there may be some variations among different airlines, there are some typical height requirements that aspiring flight attendants should be aware of.

5’2″ to 6’2″ is the general range

Most airlines require flight attendants to fall within a specific height range, typically between 5’2″ and 6’2″. This range allows for flexibility in terms of accommodating different body types and ensuring that flight attendants can perform their duties effectively.

While being within this range is generally preferred, some airlines may have slightly different requirements.

Restrictions are due to emergency procedures and aircraft design

The reason behind these height requirements is primarily related to emergency procedures and the design of the aircraft. Flight attendants play a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of passengers during emergencies.

They need to be able to reach overhead compartments, assist passengers in evacuating the aircraft, and perform other physical tasks. The height restrictions help ensure that flight attendants can carry out these responsibilities without any limitations.

Additionally, aircraft design also plays a role in height requirements. The cabins of aircraft are designed with specific dimensions, including the height of the aisles, galley areas, and overhead compartments.

Airlines need to ensure that flight attendants can move freely within these spaces without any issues.

Major airlines tend to have stricter policies

While the general height range mentioned earlier is applicable to most airlines, it’s important to note that major airlines may have stricter height requirements. This is because larger airlines often operate a wide variety of aircraft, including different models and types.

Each aircraft may have specific height-related limitations, and airlines need to ensure that their flight attendants can work across their entire fleet.

It’s worth mentioning that height is just one of many factors airlines consider when selecting flight attendants. Other qualifications, such as customer service skills, language proficiency, and physical fitness, also play a crucial role in the hiring process.

For more specific information on height requirements for a particular airline, it’s always best to refer to the official website or reach out to the airline directly. They will be able to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information based on their specific policies and requirements.

Height Requirements by Airline

Delta: 5’0″ to 6’2″ for women, 5’2″ to 6’2″ for men

Delta Airlines has specific height requirements for their flight attendants. For women, the minimum height is 5’0″ and the maximum height is 6’2″. For men, the minimum height is 5’2″ and the maximum height is also 6’2″.

This range ensures that flight attendants can reach overhead compartments and perform their duties comfortably. It is important for flight attendants to meet these height requirements to ensure safety and efficiency during flights.

United: 5’0″ to 6’0″

United Airlines has a height requirement of 5’0″ to 6’0″ for their flight attendants. This range allows for a diverse group of individuals to become flight attendants while still meeting the necessary physical requirements for the role.

United Airlines values diversity and inclusivity, and their height requirements reflect that.

American: 5’2″ to 6’2″

American Airlines requires their flight attendants to be between 5’2″ and 6’2″ in height. This range allows for individuals of different heights to join their flight attendant team. American Airlines recognizes the importance of having flight attendants who can perform their duties effectively and comfortably, and their height requirements reflect this commitment.

Southwest: 5’2″ to 6’0″

Southwest Airlines has a height requirement of 5’2″ to 6’0″ for their flight attendants. This range ensures that flight attendants can reach overhead compartments and perform their duties efficiently. Southwest Airlines is known for its friendly and customer-focused service, and their flight attendants play a crucial role in creating a positive experience for passengers.

JetBlue: 5’1″ to 6’2″

JetBlue Airways requires their flight attendants to be between 5’1″ and 6’2″ in height. This range allows for a diverse group of individuals to join their flight attendant team. JetBlue Airways is committed to providing exceptional customer service, and their flight attendants play a vital role in delivering on this promise.

It’s important to note that these height requirements may vary over time or be subject to change, so it’s always best to check with the specific airline for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, height requirements are just one aspect of the qualifications needed to become a flight attendant.

Other factors such as education, experience, and language skills are also taken into consideration during the hiring process.

Why Height Matters for Flight Attendants

Height requirements for flight attendants are an important consideration in the airline industry. Here are a few reasons why height matters for flight attendants:

Need to reach overhead bins

Flight attendants are responsible for assisting passengers with storing their luggage in the overhead bins. Being able to reach these bins comfortably is essential for ensuring a smooth boarding process.

Airlines typically have a minimum height requirement to ensure that flight attendants can easily reach the overhead bins without any difficulty. This helps prevent delays and allows for efficient boarding of the aircraft.

Emergency evacuations

In the event of an emergency evacuation, flight attendants play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of passengers. They must be able to quickly and efficiently assist passengers in exiting the aircraft.

A minimum height requirement helps ensure that flight attendants have the physical ability to perform these tasks effectively. This includes reaching emergency exits, assisting passengers with evacuation procedures, and providing support during high-stress situations.

Service cart dimensions

Flight attendants are responsible for serving meals, beverages, and other items during the flight. They need to maneuver service carts down the narrow aisles of the aircraft. Height requirements play a role in determining whether flight attendants can comfortably push and maneuver these carts without any issues.

This ensures that they can provide excellent service to passengers while maintaining a safe and efficient cabin environment.

Aircraft aisle width

The width of the aircraft aisle is another factor that influences height requirements for flight attendants. Flight attendants need to navigate through the aisle without obstruction, especially during meal service, beverage service, or emergency situations.

Being able to move freely and easily in the narrow aisle helps flight attendants perform their duties effectively and ensures the comfort and safety of both passengers and crew.

It’s important to note that height requirements can vary between airlines and regions. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a flight attendant, it’s advisable to research the specific height requirements of the airline you are interested in and ensure that you meet those criteria.

Meeting Height Requirements as a Shorter Candidate

Being a shorter candidate should not discourage you from pursuing a career as a flight attendant. While many airlines have specific height requirements, there are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of success in this competitive field.

By following these tips, you can stand out and show potential employers that height is not a limitation for you.

Opt for regional airlines with flexible policies

If you do not meet the height requirements set by major airlines, consider applying to regional airlines that have more flexible policies. These airlines often prioritize skills, experience, and customer service abilities over height.

Research regional airlines and find out their specific height requirements, as they may have different standards compared to larger carriers. By focusing on regional airlines, you can increase your chances of being hired despite not meeting the height threshold.

Highlight your ability to perform all job duties safely

During the application and interview process, emphasize your ability to perform all job duties safely, regardless of your height. Flight attendants need to be capable of providing excellent customer service, ensuring passenger safety, and responding effectively in emergency situations.

Highlight your relevant skills, such as excellent communication, problem-solving abilities, and a calm demeanor under pressure. By showcasing these qualities, you can demonstrate that you are more than capable of handling the responsibilities of a flight attendant, regardless of your height.

Consider shoe inserts or small heels during the interview process

If you are concerned about your height during the interview process, consider using shoe inserts or wearing small heels to give yourself a slight height boost. This can help you feel more confident and can potentially make a difference in how you are perceived by interviewers.

However, ensure that you can walk comfortably and maintain your balance while wearing them. Remember, your skills and qualifications are the most important factors in securing a job as a flight attendant, so focus on showcasing your abilities rather than solely relying on physical appearance.

Remember, height is just one factor that airlines consider when hiring flight attendants. Focus on highlighting your skills, experience, and passion for the job. With the right attitude and preparation, you can overcome any height-related challenges and pursue a successful career in this exciting industry.

Tips for Taller Flight Attendant Candidates

Emphasize bending and stooping ability

For taller individuals considering a career as a flight attendant, it’s important to highlight your ability to bend and stoop comfortably. As a flight attendant, you’ll often need to reach overhead compartments, assist passengers with their belongings, and perform various tasks that require flexibility.

By showcasing your agility and demonstrating that your height does not hinder your ability to perform these tasks, you’ll stand out as a strong candidate during the hiring process.

Discuss experience moving through confined spaces

Another important aspect to consider as a taller flight attendant candidate is your experience navigating through confined spaces. Aircraft cabins can be narrow and cramped, especially when moving through the aisles during service or in emergency situations.

By discussing any relevant experiences or skills you have in maneuvering through tight spaces, you’ll show potential employers that your height won’t be a hindrance in performing your duties effectively.

Consider flats or low heels for the interview

When it comes to the interview stage, it’s advisable for taller flight attendant candidates to opt for flats or low heels. While many airlines have specific requirements for footwear, wearing lower shoes can help create a more balanced and proportional appearance.

Additionally, it’s essential to maintain a professional and polished image during the interview process. By choosing appropriate footwear, you’ll show that you understand the importance of adhering to the airline’s grooming standards and that you’re serious about the role.

Remember, being taller as a flight attendant can bring unique advantages. It may allow you to reach overhead compartments more easily or assist passengers with their needs. Embrace your height and use it to your advantage during the hiring process.

By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of standing out as a strong candidate for a flight attendant position.


While flight attendant height requirements exist for safety reasons, some airlines are more flexible than others. With regional carriers especially, there may be wiggle room if you showcase your capability to perform all in-flight duties.

At the end of the day, being in-flight service professionals means attending first and foremost to passenger needs through exemplary hospitality and care.

With a professional appearance and a ready smile, flight attendants of all heights can take to the skies in this exciting career.

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